Web Design Southsea

Looking for a new website? Tidy Design create bespoke websites for a variety of sectors and industries. Approved NHS suppliers, they take pride in building long lasting relationships with companies across Portsmouth and Hampshire.

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Posted: 18th January, 2023

A New Project

Hello and welcome to Southsea Vibe! As this is our first post, I thought a quick introduction would be a good place to start. Below is a brief overview of our plans for 2023 and beyond, along with a link to our business plan.

Business Plan (PDF)

Hi, my name is Michael Jon Ward and I first moved to Southsea back in 2002 to study at Portsmouth University. After graduating I decided to stay, setup Tidy Design and start a family. Lots has happened since leaving a small village in South West Wales with only a rucksack on my back, but this is a story for another time. For now I’d like to share with you my plans and ideas for Southsea Vibe.

Southsea Content Writers

For our Southsea Vibe website to succeed it will need quality content and useful resources. There is no shortcut when it comes to Google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), so time and energy will be needed to develop and grow.

Southsea Vibe aims to be a collaborative project with local businesses and residents. If you would like to help us produce content about Southsea then please get in touch, we need your help!

Southsea Sponsors

When Southsea Vibe grows and develops, so will its online presence and website traffic. Our aim is to utilise this to help promote local businesses and attractions via our Explore Southsea web page. Here is where we plan on listing our Sponsors, various logos which will link to a page about the sponsor and also their website. Want to feature your business on Southsea Vibe then please Register Today!

Giving Something Back

To help and give back is the core value of our Southsea Vibe project. There is a lot I love about Southsea, however I do feel sad seeing litter on Southsea Beach, or homeless people struggling to eat and keep warm. I know we cant help everyone or eradicate ocean pollution. However small acts of kindness, education and awareness will make a difference over time. For now our focus will be on making this website the best it can be, its success being a springboard to fund other projects…

Want to help?

If you have any questions or want to help with Southsea Vibe then please contact us, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Southsea News

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Southsea Meetups

Want to meet interesting people? New to Southsea? Need to get out more? Southsea Meetups has been setup to help you connect with Southsea residents.